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Conversation on Conservation


We wanted to create a collection bringing together two things that are close to our hearts: protecting endangered wildlife and creating a unique design finished with exquisite craftsmanship. 
These designs explore endangered animals in their natural habitat, hoping to educate people to protect them and their way of life.
Finely hand-turned wood, encased in glass, brings out the fragility of the situation and the immense, immediate need to help conserve our earth and all its inhabitants.

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Message in a Bottle

Our first line focuses on bringing to life a range of endangered species in India that are being threatened and remain neglected with time. We have designed exquisitely crafted collectibles using the idea of a "message in a bottle."
Each Piece symbolically depicts a "bubble-like" environment using recycled bottles crafted to encase a stylized endangered life form. These environments symbolize the fragility of the animal ecosystem and drive awareness towards positive change.
Each piece combines digitally sculpted metal animal forms placed in hand-crafted wooden environments. They serve as symbolic messages that elevate our impetus for preservation and conservation.

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Nilgiri Tahr


Known locally as the Nilgiri Ibex, they are stocky goats with coarse fur and a bristly mane. 
Nilgiri is also the state animal of Tamil Nadu. 
The males develop a light grey area on the back, giving them the name saddleback. They inhabit high-altitude grasslands called montane grasslands of the South Western Ghats.
The Tahrs are known to feed on different varieties of grass and shrubs. Feeding and resting intermittently, starting at the daybreak and going on till the evening, makes up their routine. They spend their nights sleeping on or close to a cliff. While they occupied these grasslands in large herds, hunting and poaching during the 19th century left fewer than 100 of them at the turn of the 20th century. Sensing danger, conscious efforts were made to increase the number. Currently, there are about 900 of them, with the largest population residing in Eravikulam National Park.


Also known as the scaly anteaters, they are the only mammal having reptile-like scales on the outside. They live in hollow trees or burrows in tropical rainforests, the savannah, dry woodlands of India, China, South-East Asia and parts of Africa. These creatures have a keen sense of smell which they use to capture ants, termites and larvae with their sticky tongue.
Only about eight species still survive in the wild. They are usually hunted for their meat, considered a delicacy and an integral part of many folk remedies. While their trade is now illegal, they continue fighting for their survival.


Black Buck


Found in India, Nepal, and Pakistan, they are well-recognized for their distinct two-tone colouring of brown and white in the males and their long ringed horns. The females are lighter and are yellowish fawn to tan in colour. Also called the Indian Antelope, they inhabit the grassy plains and thinly forested areas with a perennial water supply. Usually active during the day, they graze and occasionally feed on woody plants.
Although hunting them is banned, until 1947, they were hunted in many princely states using specially trained Asiatic Cheetahs, leaving only 8000 of them as of 1964. Their numbers decreased further due to deforestation and degradation of their natural habitat, leading to their extinction in many areas. After rigorous efforts by many national parks, their numbers have increased to about 25000.


Deriving their name from Ghara, meaning pot, because of a bulbous knob at the end of their long snout, they are the only crocodile species with differences between males and females. Feeding mostly on fish, they prefer the flowing river waters. However, man made activities like hunting and construction of dams reduced their population by 98%, leaving only about 800 around the tributaries of Ganga.


The Great Indian Bustard


As one of the heaviest flying birds, they can be spotted by their contrasting black crown against their pale neck and head, with wings in shades of black, brown, and grey. The male's mating-call can be heard from a distance of 500 meters because of their gular pouch. Their population is concentrated in Gujarat, in some pockets of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Maharashtra. Now there are a mere 200 individuals remaining due to habitat loss and hunting.

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